
You’ll never believe which companies are using Neuromarketing right now!

According to Kimberly Coleman from Edgy, “PepsiCo, and eBay… are [both] using Neuromarketing.” Regardless of how you feel about neuromarketing, its happening all around you. The trick for you as a consumer is staying informed. The trick for you as an aspiring entrepreneur or small business owner is keeping up. Let’s look at how these…

Why you should care about Neuromarketing!

What if every action we took…thought we had…was controlled by a mutable process?According to Nobel Laureate Francis Crick, they are. Harvard Business Review writes, “…called the astonishing hypothesis, all human feelings, thoughts, and actions—even consciousness itself—are just the products of neural activity in the brain.” So, what does this mean for the aspiring entrepreneur or…

Make your photos “Golden” with this easy trick!

Have you ever wanted to add a little extra production value to your photography with out spending a lot of money? What if I told you this was possible, easy, and only required a little extra planning? Perhaps it is time you learned about the Golden Hour. According to Wikipedia, “…the golden hour is the period…

Are you ready for Google Analytics?

Google Analytics is a controversial topic in todays digital privacy conscious world. With Apple, Inc. announcing new tracking transparency in Safari, customers are becoming more aware of how their information is being used. This brings a new set of considerations when answering the question, “should I use analytics?” This post is intended for beginners/aspirational entrepreneurs…

This is 1 of the easiest ways to improve your site’s photography…

Photography is incredibly important in all aspects of life but even more so on social media. According to Jamie Iria, “Photography is the only language that can be understood anywhere in the world.” No one can glance at a paragraph and immediately understand its message. A photo, on the other hand, has that ability along…

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